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Concrete Wall


Neither temptation nor sin, neither wants, hopes, nor needs,

Neither principalities nor powers high, neither pain nor disease,

Not anything common to man, rising up or threatening to seize us,

can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.


Neither pressure nor prejudice, neither religion nor state,

Neither disapproval, rejection, revenge, nor even hate,

No fear great or small, no threat real or imagined, nor judgement measuring us,

Can separate us from the true love of God that is in our Savior, Christ Jesus.


Neither riches nor plenty, neither hope, happiness, nor heart's desire,

Neither friendship, love, family, joy, nor anything we might aspire

Neither all the earth offered, conjured, conspired to please us,

Can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.


Neither trouble nor hardship, persecution, famine, nor deluge poured,

Neither nakedness, danger, pestilence, nor plagues driven sword,

Nor anything else above or below that appears able to destroy us,

Can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.


Neither angels nor demons, neither present, future, nor even the strength of past

Neither height nor depth, neither before, nor behind, Neither breath first nor the last,

Nor anything else in all creation that rises up to surrounds us,

Can separate us from the love of God abounding in Christ Jesus.

Christian Poetry by Je Leites

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