Patient Mercy
The morning sun shone through the clouds, sending down light in glorious array.
My heart held a moment in the breathtaking beauty of a newborn day.
I envisioned Christ coming in glory, appearing in just such a way.
Little did mankind know it was but a stolen moment away.
Simple joy filled my soul’s hope as I drank in this stirring sight.
His word coming in remembrance, “I come as a thief in the night.”
Sadness momentarily crept its way for those who would be beneath.
On such a day there would be, for them, weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I was torn for those of this world, who lived lives, mindless of the cost.
I understood in his patient mercy, my God was willing that none should be lost.
I felt a stab of grief then, how God must feel to lose even a single one,
For he so loved the world he sent to die, His one and only beloved son.