There Are Those
There are those who interpret the Bible: selecting, embellishing, omitting, supporting their own selfish drift.
Foolishness all, blind leading blind, wasted effort, interpretation is a gift.
There are those who speak with tongues, giving self-ego its lift.
Tongues is a language given for and by God, a spiritual gift.
There are those who confess there is only God-man, not the one God above.
Yet they cannot fathom the mystery of the soul of a pure, unconditional love.
There are those who say they know God, yet deny Christ and the deity of the One.
Contradicting themselves, for no man goes to the Father, except through the Son.
There are those who say there is no sin, it’s all but a state of mind.
Yet they cannot determine today, the course of consistent evil in mankind.
There are those who claim satan is myth, naught but a child’s boogey-man story.
Then over whom on Calvary did Jesus triumph in power and glory?
There are those who birth knowledge and search intelligence and cannot see,
The perfect plan: in a death and resurrection, a complicated simplicity.
There are those, in God, who are not one of those.
They are one of these in Jesus, who believing, knows.